Exploring Creation with Zoology 2, 2nd Edition: Notebooking Journal
As a part of the Young Explorer Series, this notebooking journal complements the Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 course. It provides everything your student needs to complete assignments, record what they have learned, and display their work. A daily suggested lesson schedule makes planning easy!
The Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day Notebooking Journal pairs strategically with the Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day textbook (sold separately). This notebooking journal will serve as your student’s individual notebook and the place for them to complete all of their assignments.
Keeping a scientific notebook has always been a standard scientific practice. They will draw and record fascinating facts and information learned during each lesson, complete the notebooking assignments on specially designed templates, record experiments, activities and projects, complete vocabulary crossword puzzles, put together beautifully designed miniature books, and more!
Exploring Creation with Zoology 2, 2nd Edition: Notebooking Journal
What’s Inside?
- Suggested Daily Schedule with a breakdown of daily assignments detailing exactly what needs to be done each day
- Creative templates for completing the notebooking assignments
- Fascinating Facts templates for your student to record what he or she learned in each lesson, using both words and illustrations
- Space to record their results from hands-on activities
- Final Review pages with questions to be answered either orally or in writing to show off all your student remembers and knows
The Benefits of Using a Notebooking Journal
- Facilitates retention and provides documentation of your student’s education.
- Allows flexibility for multilevel learning. A twelve-year-old student may take more notes and make an elaborate illustration, while a six-year-old may write one sentence with a stick-figure drawing.
- Engages students in the scientific process.
- Improves writing skills and penmanship.
- It gives your students a place where they can record and organize experiences and observations.
- Has additional hands-on activities to enhance your student’s learning