Life Of Fred Kidneys

Life of Fred, Kidneys is the first a series of 3 intermediate books in this engaging and educational maths curriculum that contains more maths that we have ever seen! If you are done with the elementary series or you are around 5th or 6th grade and finding maths confusing, dull or boring, then this is where you start!

Click here to download a sample. 


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Life of Fred, Kidneys

is the first a series of 3 intermediate books in this engaging and educational maths curriculum that contains more maths that we have ever seen! If you are done with the elementary series or you are around 5th or 6th grade and finding maths confusing, dull or boring, then this is where you start!

By the time you have finished this book, we guarantee you will see the world around you, and maths with new eyes and never say “Maths is boring” again!

If you are ready to do a whole lot of maths as well as learn about 3 keys to success, how to carry money on the street and the biggest error in thinking – its time to add Life of Fred, Kidneys to your cart.

Here is some of the maths that you will learn:

  • Milliliters
  • Na + Cl → NaCl
  • Grams vs. ounces, volumes
  • Functions and exponents
  • Perimeters and the definition of an acre
  • Scores, dozens, and braces
  • Twelve kinds of set theory
  • The best time in history to become a mathematician
  • Preview of the fundamental theorem of Calculus
  • Sigma notation and
  • Descartes’ analytic geometry

Because Fred is always learning, you will have other adventures where you will discover the result of years of piano practice, understand The Great Depression and how to make a million dollars in 4 years.

And of course your learning  wouldn’t be complete unless you understood why we have two kidneys and what their chief use is.

Like all the Life of Fred books, the answers are included in the textbook and they are non-consumable which means you can use them with younger children. When you have completed this book, you can move on to Life of Fred, Liver.

Click here to view a sample lesson (Opens in a new window or tab)