✯ Small words and short sentences.
✯ Lots of fun reading.
✯ More than just fun reading. This series teaches lots of things.
✯ A new color for each of the Eden Series books. Your child will learn 18 colors.
✯ Full color text. Sewn binding—not adhesive. Will last for generations.
✯ Super cheap. Set 3 (the third six books) Books are sold as a set.
Eden #13—Life of Fred: Electricity
Refrigerators need to be plugged in. Calling Janice Electrical. Janice installs five outlets and a switch.
Eden #14—Life of Fred: Dinner
How to make spaghetti. Using a compass: N, E, S, W. One dime is ten cents.
Eden #15—Life of Fred: Evening
Sharing spaghetti with a duck. 6 + 1 = 7 Washing dishes by hand. Becoming an oil painter.
Eden #16—Life of Fred: Garden
Ducks don’t have teeth. Planting a garden that the ducks won’t eat. Seven kinds of fruit trees. How to plant a tree.
Eden #17—Life of Fred: Peach
It takes several years until you get fruit. Giving a gift makes the giver happy. Making peach butter, peach leather, peach salad, and peach pizza. Not taking things that aren’t yours.
Eden #18—Life of Fred: Going Home
How to pack. What KITTENS University looks like. Reading a map. Ten rows and ten columns of dots. Why oil painters can paint things that photographers can’t photograph.